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Welcome To Year 4 - 4JW, 4AF and 4MR

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Year 4 Production 2024 - A Hint of Snow White!

Our year...

Year 4 make a spectacular start to their year with our When in Rome topic. We immerse ourselves in learning by becoming historians with a delivery of Roman artefacts and by creating Roman style pizza as part of our DT learning. Our first science topic is Animals including humans, and we discover how the digestive system works and make our own version in class. Year 4 have an opportunity to perform in front of the school as well as parents and carers at the end of the autumn term. In 2023 we put on a fantastic performance of 'No One Wraps Like An Elf!'

Our spring topic is Poles Apart which focuses on water and solids, liquids and gases. We explore the life of the famous Antarctic Explorer, Ernest Shackleton—a topic that lends itself to some fantastic writing as the children apply for jobs on his expedition. To support out learning we have a visit from 'Ernest Shackleton' and go on a wonderful trip to the Wetlands in Arundel to learn all about climate change. 

Summer is special, as the children go on their first three-day residential trip to Sayers Croft. It is a wonderful opportunity for children to learn outside the classroom and to study more about water, linking it to rivers and to habitats. We develop independence and team building whilst sploshing about in shallow rivers, pond dipping, climbing low ropes and orienteering. Our history topic  Were the Dark ages dark? focuses on Viking and Anglo-Saxon settlers and invaders. 

It is amazing how much fun learning Year 4 pack into just one year!

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