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Stanford Junior School has reviewed its clubs provision and is now offering an extensive menu of sport, music, creative and performing arts clubs.

Please see the Clubs letter below, and our Clubs brochure for this term, for more information including the clubs and activities on offer, booking details and cost.

The school charges for after school clubs and this has been agreed with the governing body. In response to our poverty proofing audit, we would encourage any parent or carer who is experiencing financial difficulties to contact a member of the senior leadership in confidence. We do not want any child to miss out on an opportunity for financial reasons and will do all we can to support. If your child is in receipt of free school meals or attracts pupil premium funding the school will fund one club per term.

Feedback on clubs provided by external providers should be made directly to the provider. If your feedback is about improvements and you see no change over time, do contact the school office to let us know.


I wanted to say how impressed we were by another brilliant Stanford Junior children's parade and were so proud to be Stanford Junior parents. The big makes looked fabulous! We know you are all being asked to do more and more with less and less of a budget and yet you continue to give up your time and energies to make sure the families in your school have such a great experience. Thank you!

Parent of child in Year 5.

Autumn Term Clubs 2024

Summer Term Clubs 2024

We are have a fantastic range of before and after school clubs here at Stanford Junior School.  Details of which can be found on the club listings document below.

We want all children to have an opportunity to take part in a before/after school club of their choice. Should finance be a barrier that prevents your child from accessing an club, please speak to a member of the leadership team and we will do all that we can to enable your child to participate.

Extra-curricular music lessons at Stanford Junior School

We currently have tutors from Create Music delivering Drum, Keyboard and Violin lessons in school.  These are booked and paid for directly with BHMA: https://createmusic.org.uk/for-children-and-young-people/lessons-at-school/  Rupert Horne also comes in to school weekly to run Guitar lessons.  These are booked and paid for directly via his website: https://www.guitarclubs.co.uk/

Breakfast club

Stanford Infant School run a breakfast club for children at Stanford Junior School.



Pioneer Childcare

Pioneer Childcare run an after school club here at Stanford Junior School.  For further details please visit their website: https://www.pioneerchildcare.co.uk/ or call 01273 733 337.

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