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Click on the link below to access a recorded message from Mr Davis.


You can also hear what our House Captains have to say about their time at Syanford Junior School. Click on the link below.


Message from Mr Davis, Head Teacher.

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you for taking the time to consider Stanford Junior School as the next steps setting for your child. Stanford Junior School is a wonderful school with a remarkable staff team who make every effort to get to know each child whilst providing the very best learning opportunities for each and every one of them.

Children who are new to our school, whether transitioning from our feeder infant school to Year 3, or joining us from another setting locally, nationally or even internationally, settle quickly and soon feel part of our school community.

We currently have places available in each year group and, if you are looking for the right school for your child, would encourage you to pick up the telephone or email the school office to organise a visit and tour of the school.

Telephone: 01273 565570
Email: office@stanfordjun.brighton-hove.sch.uk

We look forward to welcoming you and your child to Stanford Junior School.

With best wishes.

Paul Davis
Head Teacher

Trudy Roberts - Deputy Head Teacher

Trudy Roberts(2)

Recorded message to follow shortly.

Roisin Doran - SENDCo

Roisin Doran(2)

Recorded message to follow shortly.

Listen to some of our children talk about their transition experience last year.

What to expect in Year 3 2021 Website.mp4

A tour of Stanford Junior School.

Tour of Stanford Junior.mp4

Year 3 classes from 2021

Click on the images below to find out more about our Year 3 class teachers.

3JD Snip(1)
3LC Snip
3AB Snip(1)
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