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Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education (PSHE)

Policy and Useful Documents


Coordinators: Miss Akrill and Miss Doran.

Our PSHE curriculum is designed to ensure that all pupils can access a broad and balanced programme of study which promotes the personal development and safety of all pupils.

Our curriculum includes; oral hygiene and tooth care, healthy eating, relationships, identity and stereotypes, keeping safe and managing risk. Children are also taught relationships and sex education (RSE) in all year groups. All children follow a programme of drug awareness education. We develop our pupils’ social and personal skills through the use of the ‘Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning’ (SEAL) resources.

Due to the sensitive nature of aspects of the PSHE curriculum, all learning is managed very carefully. Parents and carers are kept informed of major events and learning opportunities in order that they can prepare themselves to further support their child’s learning at home.

PSHE topics often generate great passion and interest within school and it is common for the pupils to want to discuss themes and ideas beyond the school day.

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