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Welcome to Governors' information

School governors are responsible for three core functions:

  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;

  2. Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff;

  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent

The governing board is comprised of 12 governors, including parents, governors from the community, the local authority, a member of staff and the head teacher.

Full governing board meetings are held six times a year, with sub-committees, working groups and school visits taking place between formal meetings. Minutes of the board's meetings are published on the school website here, and we also communicate regularly with families via the school newsletter.

We review our governance arrangements regularly. As at Sept 2022, we have one sub-committee (Finance & Premises) and cover all other matters at the full governing board. We have two governors linked to each of the school's main curriculum areas (arts and humanities; STEM; health & wellbeing) and also assign other specific roles as described in our bios below. 

We take succession planning seriously and are always keen to hear from potential new governors - if you are interested in becoming a governor, please contact our Clerk John Parr for more information. 

Who's Who: Our Governors, their terms of office and declared interests

Name  Governor type Term of office  Declared interests
Paul Davis Head teacher from 3/9/2014 Son working at school
Peter Searle Co-opted governor - Chair 01/09/2022-02/09/2026 nil
  Local authority governor    
Olivia Upchurch Co-opted governor 14/05/2023-13/05/2027 nil
George Mackerron Co-opted governor 21/09/21-20/09/25 Children are pupils at school
Jenny Barnes Parent governor    Children are pupils at school.
Lauren Whedbee Staff governor 04/09/2023-05/09/2027 Working as teacher at school
Chris Cunningham Parent governor 21/02/22-20/02/26 Child is pupil at school
Dawn Long Co-opted governor 01/09/22-31/08/26 nil
Yasha Gosrani Co-opted governor 08/02/23-07/02/27 nil
James Muschamp Associate governor from 13/10/22 School business manager


Who's Who: Some short bios of our governors and a brief description of our roles and responsibilities

In addition, in the past twelve months the following governors have stood down from the board: 

* Jordan Kaleta: Local Authority Governor; Appointed 14/05/23; Stood down 27/06/24

* Alexander Scott: Co-opted Governor; Appointed 09/02/22; Stood down 23/01/24

* Gabrielle Looney; Parent Governor; Appointed 21/02/2022; Stood down 23/01/24

* Temi Clements: Co-opted Governor; Appointed 14/10/22; Stood down 08/02/23

* Zara Ralphs; Co-opted Governor; Appointed 21/9/21; Stood down 30/09/22

* Lou Alexander; Co-opted Governor; Appointed 23/06/20; Stood down 31/07/22

* Alyson Kennedy-Walker; Parent Governor; Appointed 26/11/20; Stood down 13/04/22

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